Results for 'Camila Lucía Belelli'

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  1.  4
    Helena y Afrodita, atetizadas: los comentarios de Aristarco a Ilíada III, 395-418.Camila Lucía Belelli - 2023 - Argos 47:e0036.
    El diálogo entre Helena y Afrodita en el canto III de la Ilíada despertó las sospechas de Aristarco de Samotracia, considerado el fundador de la filología moderna. El gramático atetizó los versos 396-418 y brindó cuatro argumentos como justificación. En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar atentamente sus razones, partiendo de la hipótesis de que estas están perfectamente direccionadas. Todas apuntan a elementos que no tienen precedente ni igual dentro del mundo homérico; aunque Aristarco no haya podido expresarlo en estos términos, (...)
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    Paul B. Thompson and Patricia E. Norris: sustainability–what everyone needs to know.Lucía Díez Sanjuán - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1371-1372.
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  3. Conceptual Reconstruction and Epistemic Import: Allosteric Mechanistic Explanations as a Unified Theory-Net.Karina Alleva, José Díez & Lucía Federico - 2017 - Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 49 (146):5-36.
    The goal of this article is to show that formal analysis and reconstructions may be useful to discuss and shed light on substantive meta-theoretical issues. We proceed here by exemplification, analysing and reconstructing as a case study a paradigmatic biochemical theory, the Monod-Wyman-Changeux theory of allosterism, and applying the reconstruction to the discussion of some issues raised by prominent representatives of the new mechanist philosophy. We conclude that our study shows that at least in this case mechanicism and more traditional (...)
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    Clinical Trial Application in Europe: What Will Change with the New Regulation?Viviana Giannuzzi, Annagrazia Altavilla, Lucia Ruggieri & Adriana Ceci - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):451-466.
    The European framework surrounding clinical trials on medicinal products for human use is going to change as demonstrated by the large debate at European institutional level. One of the major challenges is to overcome the lack of harmonisation of clinical trial procedures among countries. This aspect is gaining more and more importance, considering the increasing number of multicentre and multinational studies. In this work, the actual European rules governing the Clinical Trial Application have been analysed throughout the different steps including (...)
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  5. Automating Reasoning with Standpoint Logic via Nested Sequents.Tim Lyon & Lucía Gómez Álvarez - 2018 - In Michael Thielscher, Francesca Toni & Frank Wolter (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018). pp. 257-266.
    Standpoint logic is a recently proposed formalism in the context of knowledge integration, which advocates a multi-perspective approach permitting reasoning with a selection of diverse and possibly conflicting standpoints rather than forcing their unification. In this paper, we introduce nested sequent calculi for propositional standpoint logics---proof systems that manipulate trees whose nodes are multisets of formulae---and show how to automate standpoint reasoning by means of non-deterministic proof-search algorithms. To obtain worst-case complexity-optimal proof-search, we introduce a novel technique in the context (...)
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    Resistance Training Combined With Cognitive Training Increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Improves Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults.Luz Albany Arcila Castaño, Vivian Castillo de Lima, João Francisco Barbieri, Erick Guilherme Peixoto de Lucena, Arthur Fernandes Gáspari, Hidenori Arai, Camila Vieira Ligo Teixeira, Hélio José Coelho-Júnior & Marco Carlos Uchida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870561.
    Background: The present study compared the effects of a traditional resistance training and resistance training combined with cognitive task on body composition, physical performance, cognitive function, and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in older adults. Methods: Thirty community-dwelling older adults were randomized into TRT and RT+CT. Exercise groups performed a similar resistance training program, twice a week over 16 weeks. Cognitive Training involved performing verbal fluency simultaneously with RT. Exercise sessions were performed 2-3 sets, 8-15 repetitions at 60-70% of 1-repetition (...)
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    Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire : French Validation of a Transdiagnostic Measure of Repetitive Negative Thinking.Faustine Devynck, Monika Kornacka, Celine Baeyens, Éric Serra, Jérémy Fonseca das Neves, Bulle Gaudrat, Caroline Delille, Pierre Taquet, Olga Depraete, Philippe Tison, Fabienne Sgard, Amélie Rousseau & Lucia Romo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  8. Colombia: la protección judicial del derecho a la salud. ¿Una promesa difícil de complir?Alicia Ely Yamin, Oscar Parra-Vera & Camila Gianella - 2013 - In Alicia Ely Yamin, Siri Gloppen & Elena Odriozola (eds.), La lucha por los derechos de la salud: ¿puede la justicia ser una herramienta de cambio? México, D.F.: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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    Resposta de Schopenhauer a Jacobi.Maria Lúcia Cacciola - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (2):23-31.
    O texto analisa como o problema da coisa em si em Kant, enquanto fundamento real ou não do fenômeno, foi reelaborado pelos filósofos pós-kantianos e como estes buscaram solucionar o possível dualismo da filosofia crítica. A investigação se concentra sobretudo na resposta de Schopenhauer ao problema, evidenciado pela primeira vez pelo filósofo Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, um dos grandes críticos da filosofia transcendental e do idealismo.
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    Los caminos compartidos del tacto y el sonido hacia la emoción: Evidencias neurocientíficas actuales.Álvaro García López, María José Lucía Mulas, Belén Ruiz Mezcua & José Manuel Sánchez Pena - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a722.
    La característica más representativa de la música es su capacidad de generar emoción. Pero ¿por qué la música emociona? En este artículo mostramos los conocimientos actuales de la teoría musical y la neurociencia que intentan explicar las relaciones que existen entre la música y las emociones. En primer lugar, se repasan los conocimientos actuales sobre el procesamiento de los sonidos musicales a nivel cerebral y las posibles explicaciones del origen de la emoción musical, así como la contribución de los distintos (...)
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    Quando a Religião Vai À Escola: Desafios e Perspectivas No Campo Educacional Brasileiro.Andréa Lúcia da Silva de Paiva - 2023 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 29:47-66.
    Este trabalho propõe analisar a presença da religião em alguns espaços públicos educacionais. Por meio da metodologia da observação participante identificamos dois momentos que se articulam entre si: a influência da Escola sem Partido ao longo dos estágios docentes do curso de Ciências Sociais Licenciatura em Campos dos Goytacazes; e a presença de movimentos missionário cristãos, originários dos EUA, que visam influenciar a juventude estudantil evangélica a uma transformação social, nacional e mundial, no espaço universitário. Tais descrições nos traz questionamentos (...)
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    Acreditación de programas de licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México.Alba Lucia Morales Alvarado, Óscar Pérez Veyna & Oralia Salcedo Triana - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-11.
    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los procesos de acreditación de programas de licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), para identificar áreas de oportunidad para la consolidación del proceso y de los programas. El enfoque es cualitativo, la metodología utilizada fue la revisión de documentos institucionales y la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a exfuncionarios, las cuales se transcribieron, codificaron y analizaron con el software ATLAS.ti. Se concluye que la consolidación de procesos de acreditación en la UAZ es (...)
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    Orientación universitaria tras la pandemia: un modelo competencial de atención al estudiante.Raquel Ibáñez Martínez & Lucía Alonso Larza - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-11.
    Este trabajo centra su interés en el contexto universitario a partir de la pandemia. Las universidades se han visto obligadas a modificar su rutina diaria, implantando una serie de medidas, con tal de cumplir con los protocolos de seguridad establecidos, sin descuidar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la atención a sus estudiantes. Estos han tenido que adaptarse a una nueva realidad, no exenta de dificultades. Se resalta el papel clave de los servicios de orientación en las universidades y se propone (...)
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    From Polarization to Oblivion: A Brief Study on Chronotopes of Incident in Antares by Erico Verissimo.Ana Lúcia Macedo Novroth - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (1):112-139.
    RESUMO Este artigo tem como escopo averiguar alguns dos cronotopos que organizam a narrativa de Incidente em Antares, de Erico Verissimo. Tenciona-se examinar, em especial, de que modo a polarização política e o esquecimento são elementos constitutivos do romance, por essa razão, cronotópicos. O primeiro é um motivo de natureza cronotópica e ocupa um lugar permanente na organização da vida da sociedade (ficcionalizada); o segundo direciona ao epílogo da narrativa e revela o modus operandi e o modus vivendi dos atores, (...)
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    Regaining control over precarity.Enrico Biale, Michael Stein, Camila Vergara, Benjamin McKean & Albena Azmanova - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):640-666.
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    Spinoza and International Law.Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 431–439.
    The purpose of legal theory seems to be a perpetually debated issue among legal scholars. Koskenniemi argues that the history of international legal theory is conditioned by a dialectical movement between a position justifying any given positive law based on the power of states, and a position arguing for a theory of the state where laws are justified only in accordance with certain substantial conditions. According to Lauterpacht there is very little support in Spinoza's political philosophy for a “separate and (...)
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    Positive Arousal Increases Individuals’ Preferences for Risk.Galentino Andrea, Bonini Nicolao & Savadori Lucia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Does Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Combined with Peripheral Electrical Stimulation Have an Additive Effect in the Control of Hip Joint Osteonecrosis Pain Associated with Sickle Cell Disease? A Protocol for a One-Session Double Blind, Block-Randomized Clinical Trial.Tiago da Silva Lopes, Wellington dos Santos Silva, Sânzia B. Ribeiro, Camila A. Figueiredo, Fernanda Q. Campbell, Gildasio de Cerqueira Daltro, Antônio Valenzuela, Pedro Montoya, Rita de C. S. Lucena & Abrahão F. Baptista - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  19.  29
    Gobernabilidad, democratización y conflictividad social en Chile: escenarios posibles para un nuevo equilibrio.Marcelo Mella Polanco & Camila Berrios Silva - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Luego de veinte años desde la recuperación de la democracia en Chile, el modelo transicional basado en el pensamiento concertacionista, ha demostrado carecer de flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación a los nuevos contextos. La matriz de gobernabilidad establecida por éste modelo, bajo supuestos de verticalidad en las relaciones y estabilidad en la estructura institucional se ha visto confrontada por el surgimiento de nuevos actores con capacidad de veto social que exigen inclusión y participación en la toma de decisiones, lo que (...)
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    Genocidio de la up : economía, conexiones teóricas con Negri y Hardt, y políticas de memoria.Sergio Nicolás Poveda León, Mónica Alejandra Rodríguez Baquero & María Camila Vargas Figueroa - 2021 - Humanitas Hodie 3 (1):H31a1.
    El propósito del artículo es explicar el genocidio de la Unión Patriótica en clave de la economía nacional y su ubicación estratégica a partir de una aproximación teórica desde algunos elementos propuestos por Antonio Negri y Michael Hardt. Como conclusión se destaca que el genocidio de la up fue consecuencia de su poderío local, que ponía en riesgo la continuidad de las clases políticas dominantes en razón de sus propuestas como colectivo político. Así mismo, este hecho produjo que a raíz (...)
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    ‘Nicanor y la Violeta’: Un análisis crítico del uso del artículo definido ante nombres propios masculinos y femeninos.Leonardo Aliaga Rovira, Patricia Avilés Retamal, Domingo Román Montes de Oca, María José Serrano Insunza, Camila Colicheo Cabrera & Francisco Soto Cáceres - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):224-235.
    En este artículo se estudia la estructura “artículo definido + nombre propio antropónimo” y su distribución de uso en casos de antropónimos femeninos y masculinos. Se parte del supuesto de que esta estructura es más frecuente cuando el antropónimo es femenino. Al ser expletiva la presencia del artículo ante los sustantivos propios y, por el contrario, ser requerido su uso o el de otro determinante, en posiciones sintácticas específicas, ante los sustantivos comunes, la aparición del artículo definido precediendo al antropónimo (...)
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    Aprendizaje por competencias en la formación inicial docente.Lucía Sánchez-Taragaza & Francesc M. Esteve-Mon - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    La finalidad de esta investigación es analizar en qué grado se refleja el aprendizaje por competencias en el Máster de Educación Secundaria en una Universidad española. Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las guías docentes mediante el software ‘ATLAS.ti’. Siguiendo un enfoque deductivo, las categorías analizadas han sido: 1) metodología activa, 2) contexto real, 3) proyectos integrados, 4) reflexión, y 5)evaluación plural. Los resultados muestran que hay pocas evidencias del diseñocurricular por competencias. En la discusión y conclusiones se (...)
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  23.  28
    Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic.Camila Vergara - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    A bold new approach to combatting the inherent corruption of representative democracy This provocative book reveals how the majority of modern liberal democracies have become increasingly oligarchic, suffering from a form of structural political decay first conceptualized by ancient philosophers. Systemic Corruption argues that the problem cannot be blamed on the actions of corrupt politicians but is built into the very fabric of our representative systems. Camila Vergara provides a compelling and original genealogy of political corruption from ancient to (...)
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  24.  41
    Republican Constitutionalism.Camila Vergara - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):25-48.
    The article presents a plebeian strand of republican constitutional thought that recognises the influence of inequality on political power, embraces conflict as the effective cause of free government, and channels its anti-oligarchic energy through the constitutional structure. First it engages with two modern plebeian thinkers – Niccolò Machiavelli and Nicolas de Condorcet - focusing on the institutional role of the common people to resist oppression through ordinary and extraordinary political action. Then it discusses the work of two contemporary republican thinkers (...)
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    NAVIGARE NECESSE; VIVERE NON EST NECESSE: Ética intercultural de la información para navegar en tiempos de cultura algorítmica.Camila Costa - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7056.
    Este artículo explora la necesidad de desarrollar una ética intercultural de la información en el contexto de la cultura algorítmica. A medida que la tecnología sigue avanzando y los algoritmos desempeñan un papel cada vez más significativo en las vidas humanas, es crucial considerar las implicaciones éticas de estos sistemas desde una pluralidad de perspectivas, culturas, realidades socioeconómicas y género y raza. Basado en el método inductivo-deductivo, el enfoque metodológico es una revisión bibliográfica no sistemática. Examinando aspectos de la cultura (...)
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    Pediatric Ethics and Communication Excellence (PEACE) Rounds: Decreasing Moral Distress and Patient Length of Stay in the PICU.Lucia Wocial, Veda Ackerman, Brian Leland, Brian Benneyworth, Vinit Patel, Yan Tong & Mara Nitu - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):75-91.
    This paper describes a practice innovation: the addition of formal weekly discussions of patients with prolonged PICU stay to reduce healthcare providers’ moral distress and decrease length of stay for patients with life-threatening illnesses. We evaluated the innovation using a pre/post intervention design measuring provider moral distress and comparing patient outcomes using retrospective historical controls. Physicians and nurses on staff in our pediatric intensive care unit in a quaternary care children's hospital participated in the evaluation. There were 60 patients in (...)
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  27. Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment.Camila Vergara - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):222-246.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State (...)
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  29.  14
    The Memory of Pain: Women's Testimonies of the Holocaust.Camila Loew (ed.) - 2011 - Brill Rodopi.
    In this book, Camila Loew analyzes four women's testimonial literary writings on the Holocaust to examine and question some of the tenets of the fields of Holocaust studies, gender studies, and testimony. Through a close reading of the works of Charlotte Delbo, Margarete Buber-Neumann, Ruth Klüger, and Marguerite Duras, Loew foregrounds these authors' search for a written form to engage with their experiences of the extreme. Although each chapter contains its individual focus and features, the book possesses a unity (...)
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    Agonistic intertextuality: Herodotus’ engagement with Hecataeus on genealogies.Camila Condilo - 2017 - Journal of Ancient History 5 (2):228-279.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Journal of Ancient History Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 228-279.
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    Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the problem of scientific credit.Camila Orozco Espinel - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (1):134-139.
  32.  29
    (1 other version)Sartre e a psicanálise contemporânea.Camila Salles Gonçalves - 2006 - Doispontos 3 (2).
    This article first points out that attempts to establish the fo u ndations of an existent ial psycho a nalysis are always pre s e nt in Sartre’s philosophy. After pre s e nt i ng philosophies that are inc o r p o rated and re c reated in the process of giving shape to the project of existent ial psycho a nalysis, it gives examples of how this psycho a nalysis should be. At end, the article suggests in (...)
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    Mística, necessidade e lógica (Mystic, necessity and logic)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2012 v10n28p1380.Camila Rodrigues Jourdan - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1380-1394.
    O artigo clarifica em que medida a Lógica, no sentido mais comum e até ingênuo do termo, enquanto composta pelas leis necessárias do pensamento correto, pode ser entendida como Mística. Isto parece estranho, pois a Mística é normalmente entendida como uma vivência de superação das dualidades, onde o pensamento racional colapsa e encontra seu limite. Já a Lógica é entendida como paradigma de pensamento racional. Argumenta-se que as leis mais gerais da razão e do discurso se relacionam com a Mística (...)
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    O que tem 2020 com 2013? Ensaio sobre pandemias e insurreições.Camila Jourdan - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:153-167.
    En este ensayo retomo las narrativas sobre el levante popular de 2013 en Brasil, considerando que tales discursos están aún presentes directa e indirectamente en la manera cómo comprendemos la actualidad, sobre todo la ascensión de la derecha y nuestras posibles resistencias a los múltiples elementos fascistas crecientes hoy en nuestra sociedad. En este sentido, analizo ciertas posiciones corrientes relacionadas con las reacciones conservadoras y punitivas a las protestas populares, que acaban por concluir que las manifestaciones generaron un “mal aún (...)
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    Sobre Linguagem e Ética.Camila Jourdan - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):37-49.
    O objetivo geral deste artigo é contribuir para as reflexões sobre as relações entre ética e linguagem a partir da obra de Wittgenstein, buscando compreender em que medida há uma irredutível dimensão ética envolvida nos limites da significação. Para tanto, retomamos as considerações sobre ética presentes no Tractatus, nos Notebooks 1914-1916 e na Conferência sobre Ética. A maior parte dos desenvolvimentos deste texto versa sobre a abordagem do ponto de contato entre ética, lógica e ontologia, levando em contaa influência de (...)
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    Tribunales penales internacionales ad hoc Del post-Guerra fría: Cambiando paradigmas en el tratamiento de cuestiones de género.Camila Soares Lippi - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 7.
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  37. Redes, capital social y desarrollo local rural.Camila Lorenzo - 2022 - In Pablo F. Forni & Alejandro Bialakowsky (eds.), Por unas ciencias sociales relacionales: investigaciones y enfoques contemporáneos. [Buenos Aires]: USAL, Universidad del Salvador.
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    Sketches for an Antipunitivist Feminism.Camila Arbuet Osuna - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):103-137.
    Throughout its great history, the feminist movement has thought the different facets of the repressive apparatus of the State, as a political problem and as part of its strategy of struggle and survival. In different contexts, antipunitivism —that is, the political response to the philosophy of punishment as the way to act to social issues— has emerged as a crucial element in the diatribes of antisystemic feminisms. However, we could not claim that there is something like a structuring and structured (...)
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    ¿Adiós a la democracia? Un análisis de las propuestas de paz del gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez y su incidencia en las instituciones democráticas.Camila de Gamboa Tapias - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 42:9-42.
    En este texto quiero hacer un análisis de las propuestas de paz del gobierno de Uribe Vélez y sus efectos en las instituciones y la cultura democrática colombiana. El análisis no pretende evaluar directamente si las propuestas de paz fueron efectivas para dar por terminado el conflicto, sino mostrar el vínculo que existe entre una democracia débil, como la colombiana, la gran influencia de la personalidad de Uribe Vélez en el imaginario político y sus proyectos de seguridad democrática y de (...)
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    The Role of Contextual Values in the Formation of Ecological Behaviours.Camila Horst Toigo, Neil Ravenscroft & Ely José De Mattos - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (4):385-409.
    It is commonly understood that over-arching transcendental values (TVs) play a major role in directly influencing individual and group behaviours, including those relating to the environment. This paper challenges this approach, by arguing that there is good evidence to indicate that personal contexts – rather than TVs – inform many decisions that individuals need to make. As such, the paper argues that individuals use their TVs as a guide to forming contextual values, in a way that TVs only influence daily (...)
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    (Some) algorithmic bias as institutional bias.Camila Hernandez Flowerman - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-10.
    In this paper I argue that some examples of what we label ‘algorithmic bias’ would be better understood as cases of institutional bias. Even when individual algorithms appear unobjectionable, they may produce biased outcomes given the way that they are embedded in the background structure of our social world. Therefore, the problematic outcomes associated with the use of algorithmic systems cannot be understood or accounted for without a kind of structural account. Understanding algorithmic bias as institutional bias in particular (as (...)
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  42. 1.Camila Albuquerque Cerqueira & Direito Eleitoral Esquematizado - 2012 - História 11:12.
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  43. Stuff versus individuals.Lucía Lewowicz & Olimpia Lombardi - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (1):65-77.
    The general question to be considered in this paper points to the nature of the world described by chemistry: what is macro-chemical ontology like? In particular, we want to identify the ontological categories that underlie chemical discourse and chemical practice. This is not an easy task, because modern Western metaphysics was strongly modeled by theoretical physics. For this reason, we attempt to answer our question by contrasting macro-chemical ontology with the mainstream ontology of physics and of traditional metaphysics. In particular, (...)
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    Evaluation of Interventions to Address Moral Distress: A Multi-method Approach.Lucia D. Wocial, Genina Miller, Kianna Montz, Michelle LaPradd & James E. Slaven - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (3):373-401.
    Moral distress is a well-documented phenomenon for health care providers (HCPs). Exploring HCPs’ perceptions of participation in moral distress interventions using qualitative and quantitative methods enhances understanding of intervention effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to measure and describe the impact of a two-phased intervention on participants’ moral distress. Using a cross-over design, the project aimed to determine if the intervention would decrease moral distress, enhance moral agency, and improve perceptions about the work environment. We used quantitative instruments and (...)
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    Memory as politics and responsibilities deriving from the past.Camila de Gamboa Tapias - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:80-104.
    RESUMEN El artículo reflexiona sobre las políticas de la memoria que deberían desarrollarse en sociedades donde han ocurrido masivas violaciones de derechos humanos, y cuyos procesos se guían por los principios normativos de la justicia transicional. Se analizan primero los conceptos de memoria e historia, y la forma como el Holocausto trans formó sus tareas en el siglo XX; luego se examinan dos modelos de responsabilidad propuestos por Iris Marion Young, y se propone cómo usarlos en la justicia transicional. Finalmente, (...)
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    Corruption as systemic political decay.Camila Vergara - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):322-346.
    By offering an analysis of different conceptions of corruption connected to the political regime and contingency in which they developed, the article retrieves a systemic meaning of political corruption. Through the works of Plato, Aristotle, Polybius and Machiavelli, it reconstructs a dimension of political corruption particular to popular governments and also engages with recent neo-republican and institutionalist attempts at redefining political corruption. The article concludes that we still lack a proper conception of systemic corruption comparable to the one of the (...)
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    A compreensão schopenhaueriana do caráter de indivíduo.Camila Gomes Weber - 2023 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (1):e85191.
    O objetivo do artigo é apresentar a compreensão schopenhaueriana do caráter de indivíduo a partir da tese metafísica do monismo da vontade. Num primeiro momento, explora as implicações da afirmação de Schopenhauer de que somente no ser humano o caráter de espécie e o caráter de indivíduo se separam; na sequência, aborda o problema da asseidade da vontade tendo em vista seus desdobramentos na formulação do caráter de indivíduo; e, por fim, aborda o tema da negação da vontade e sua (...)
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    Unpacking the cognitive map: The parallel map theory of hippocampal function.Lucia F. Jacobs & Françoise Schenk - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):285-315.
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    Wittgenstein and Piccoli.Lucia Morra - 2020 - Wittgenstein-Studien 11 (1):1-29.
    In 1929 Ludwig Wittgenstein met Raffaello Piccoli, the Serena Professor of Italian, with whom he arranged several meetings in the following terms. For a long time their intellectual friendship was suggested only by the occurrences of Piccoli’s name in Wittgenstein’s Cambridge Pocket Diaries, then a paper about Piccoli including hypothesis on his meetings with Wittgenstein was published (Marjanović 2005), and more recently, the diaries of a student of both Piccoli and Wittgenstein in 1929 – 1930 were discovered. The new material, (...)
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    Figurações da ressurreição em O pai da menina morta, de Tiago Ferro.Camila Concato & Thiago Cavalcante Jeronimo - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (1):e61945p.
    ABSTRACT This article proposes a reading of the novel O pai da menina morta [Dead Girl’s Father], by Tiago Ferro, linked to the theme of Christian resurrection materialized in the Gospel according to John. The biblical episodes about the resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus Christ are placed in dialogue with the narrative of the Brazilian author, as well as the symbolisms regarding the pelican and the celebration of Christian Easter, figures belonging to the structure of the work under examination. The (...)
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